The 5 Ls of Lighting

When choosing energy-efficient lighting, consider the 5 Ls of Lighting:

  1. Location
  2. Lumens
  3. Light Bulbs
  4. Label
  5. Law

Beginning with Location, ask yourself where will I use this lightbulb? You’ll want to consider “Dimmability” and “Usage” when deciding which is the most energy-efficient bulb choice. The package will show if the light bulb is made for a dimmable fixture, and if it is for a fixture located indoors or outdoors.

Next, consider Lumens. Lumens on shown on the package label and indicate the brightness of the bulb. You’ll want to ask yourself how bright do I need this light bulb to shine? For example, an enclosed, poorly lit area like a closet might require a light bulb with more lumens. A typical 60-watt Incandescent bulb equates to 800 lumens., while a brighter 100-watt incandescent bulb is 1600 Lumens.

To determine the most energy-efficient/cost saving bulb, evaluate your light bulb options. There are four types of bulbs: Incandescent, Halogen, CFL, and LED. Compared to Incandescent bulbs, LED and CFL bulbs save more than 75%, with Halogen bulbs offering a 28% savings. For an area that requires more lighting, always choose a CFL or LED bulb.

After, selecting the light bulb, read over its label. The label will tell you the most important factors to consider such as, Brightness, Energy Cost (the average cost to run a bulb for one year), Life (the average life of a bulb, expressed in years), Light Appearance (Hot warm or yellowish white, or Cool which is a bluish white), Energy Used, and any other important warnings, such as the presence of Mercury in CFL bulbs.

Finally, always consider the law when selecting your energy-efficient light bulb. The law does not ban incandescent lightbulbs, nor does it mandate CFL bulbs. It does require increased efficiency, so by educating yourself on the 5Ls of lighting, you are taking the first steps to ensure you’re using the most energy-efficient lighting, doing your part to save energy and save money.

Contact Us:

Main Office:
4133 US Hwy 321A
Granite Falls, NC 28630

Eastern NC Office :
8760 Trade St. NE
Leland, NC 28451

South Carolina Office :
2423 Highway 17 South
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582


Family owned and operated for over 25 years.

Licensed in the North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee & Georgia

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